Sunday, 7 August 2011

Young Farmers Hoodies

Shoredump supplies Young Farmers Clubs all over the UK. We are a very popular company to work with Young Farmers because:
a) We are a rural business
b) We are progressive and innovative with our designs and broad choice of clothing
c) Great order from Shoredump, you don't have to leave the farm or make a special journey to a printers to find he has shut the shop early and 'gone home'!
d) All artwork is shown to the Organiser for approval prior to embroidery or printing...this is so easy to do with email.
e) FREE print/embroidery and design setup.
f) FREE delivery on all orders over the value of £300.00
g) The Organiser of all orders over 30 items get a FREE item of clothing
If your Club or Federation would like to know more information on our products and services, log on to to see our amazing range of hoodies, but don't forget,  all you need to do is ask and we can show you so much more.

Rugby Shirts, Drill shirts, Sweatshirts, Polos, Boxercraft Leisurewear, Boxers, Gilets, T's, Sports kits, Tour Clothing and more! or tel/text: 077525660738