Saturday, 9 October 2010

Society Hoodies

Shoredump prepares hoodies for many leading Universities across the UK, you can not believe the variety of different Clubs and Societies there are for the Students, I sometimes wonder how they choose...
This year has not been any different from other Septembers' and early Octobers' at Shoredump, we have Clubs and Societies asking us to prepare hoodies in time to promote their activities during 'Freshers' week.
This is a comment from Imperial College London:

'Shoredump are great, their really helpful staff replied so fast to our emails it made making a heavily customised hoodie exceptionally EASY! And we love the result!'
Vice President 2010/11
Imperial College Indian Society

As the year goes on we will see further orders for the Shoredump Society hoodies, it does seem that the traditional University hoodie has been superceeded at many Universities by the 'Society' hoodies.